Friday, March 06, 2009

The Donkey and the Monkey


Approximately 35,000 feet from ground level. Somewhere in between Bangalore and Delhi. The air-hostess and the woman sitting next to us gave a weird look. Yes, some brainless card game! After an hour of playing, we did some random discussion on Physics and my friend A managed to help me recollect some of the interesting concepts. One such thing is:

P*V / T = constant

Don't worry - this is not a post on physics - There are people who can do much better job.

I thought I would relate this "Pressure" in human context. Human beings are exposed to pressure day in and day out - Kids from their cruel parents for performing better in exams; a husband getting bidirectional pressure from Saas and Bahu; an employee from his evil manager; a guy from his finicky GF to behave properly; a girl on the social pressure of looking good.. Hmmm.. infinite pressures!

Pressure could be deadly for people - it could fundamentally change the way a person behaves. You would wonder is it the same person pre and post-pressure! People could become snappy, agitated, angry, worried... But Dilbert's manager would say People should Profit from Pressure, it Pushes one to Peak Performance (man, enough of P**s!! Let's keep aside that argument for a later Post!)

Ok, if Physics 'Pressure' is to Human Pressure, what about V & T in the equation? I think the Volume can be equated to mental calmness, the Temperature to anger. I believe the law would still hold good. When you increase pressure, the person loses his volume (calmness) at a certain level of anger; or if the calmness has to be retained at the same level, the temperature (i.e. anger level) goes up.

So, when pressure is applied, is it a choice between losing your calmness vis-à-vis showing it as anger? IMHO, not really! The key is in realizing the age old principle of You can take a horse to the water, but you can't make him drink. Yes, we need to play the role of the horse which deliberately denies to drink - Be ready to not take pressure altogether - Like rejecting offers from taxi-walas, when you exit the railway station!

Next time, when the pressure is exerted, remember the horse! I think one should remember a Donkey, which seems much more relaxed! Just Chill and things will be better than when you take pressure!

Ok, this approach may not work for people who are used to relish pressure and rely heavily on it to perform (hmm.. yes, deadlines in colleges!) If pressure works positively, play on! You can probably remember Monkey - which gets more excited, jumps around when there is pressure! It becomes ultra productive!

I guess it's much better to be a Donkey or a Monkey than being a usual human being in case of pressure. ;)

So, who are you? A Donkey or a Monkey?


Last week had an amazing trip to Dehradun and Mussouri. Friend M's marriage went on fine and the trip was awesome thanks to the wonderful gang.

This weekend is again gonna be some more trip.. to deep south.. Movies and Books update next week!

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