Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Watching Squirrels!

Squirrels! Amazing creatures they are!! I love watching them!!!

They are one of my most favorite animals. That soft spongy body, fluffy tail, cute and sharp face would make anyone fall in love with them. Though they are quadrupeds, while eating, they get excited & become bipeds. They eat like gluttons and run like athletes. Given a drum, they even could play it well with the rhythmic motion of their tail. Their life is very simple – Eat and play. Why are human beings making our life very complex? We make it complex because we run towards many things in this world – Relationships, Money, Comfort, Pleasure, etc. Squirrels teach us a great lesson – “Nothing wrong in running. We are here to run! But in between – contemplate, relax, play and look around the world”

BTB, the tamil phrase “Anil Kunji” reminds me of my school and the nick name of my friend! I would never forget that funny story!!


A Proud Vinnakota said...

I am not sure that the Squirrel's life is as simple as saying 'Eat and Play'. It needs to do a lot more for eating. Like saving stuff when times are bad etc. Also raising small ones. But, I get the general gist of what you are saying.

Craze Maze said...

Story please...