Thursday, November 24, 2005

Man, The Poem

"Read Man, he is the Living Poem" says Dr. Vivek, who did his PhD from Kanyakumari Rocks.

I like Swami Vivekanda very very much - For the simple reason that he is simple, inspite of his Greatness. It's not just Vivekanda, I can admire at - There are so many Vivekandas still living with us. Everyone has Vivekanandaism, but just that some people have it hidden & they do not want or not know how to unclutter the coverings that hide the V-ism.

Sometimes, I am pretty amazed at people - Their altruism, attitudes, ideas, actions, creations, abilities, efforts, determination, perseverance, friendliness, determination, hardwork etc etc.. There are so many wonderful people around us - Mothers who take care of children selflessly, Friends who love unconditionally, Gandhis who work relentlessly for others, Kalams who sacrifice their life for nation, RP Ma'ams who devote their life for students and teaching... The list goes on & on...

There is so much of positiveness around us - Just that we need to see with our eyes wide open. If we do so, there won't be any negativism or hatred among the human beings.

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