Friday, October 21, 2005


Procrastination has shown its evil face to me today!

Just thinking about why we procatinate - I know of 3 possible reasons (1) Mammoth Task (2) Non-Interesting task (3) Laziness

#1 - can be solved by being a bit methodic, following "Divide & Conquer" & seeking help from others

#2 - it's good idea to analyze whether to do or ditch the task *ASAP*. On the +ve side, sometimes, the tendency to procastinate might give you clue that you are not destined to do this. ;-)

Both for #2 & #3 - If the task is unavoidable, we might need to realize the hard fact that "Its ill effects are exponentially proportional to the duration & frequency of procrastination." So try doing it the moment, your mind thinks of procrastination.

I can hear someone say "Preaching is easier than Following..!!" :o)

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